Tuesday 4 September 2012

Berapa Biaya Operasi Lipoma

Untuk biaya operasi Lipoma berkisar berapa ya. dan berapa juga lama untuk masa lama operasi lipoma

Thursday 23 August 2012

Buah-buahan yg dapat mempercepat pemulihan luka setelah operasi kista

Buah-buahan yg dapat mempercepat pemulihan luka setelah operasi kista
 Beberapa buah-buahan yg dapat mempercepat pemulihan luka setelah operasi kista banyak sekali diantaranya PANTANGAN MAKANAN BAGI PENDERITA KISTA/MIOM
Buah-buahan yg dapat mempercepat pemulihan luka setelah operasi kista

Hindari makan jeroan, ayam broiler, telur, gorengan, fastfood, durian.
Hindari kacang kedelai dan produk dari kacang kedelai seperti tahu, tempe, susu kedelai
Kurangi makanan / minuman yang manis-manis
Perbanyak makan sayuran (kecuali kol) & buah-buahan (kecuali durian dan yang terlalu manis seperti rambutan, lengkeng).
Hindari STRESS , cukup istirahat
Mungkin itu saja info gress dari sini saya selaku admin mengucapkan terima kasih

Berapa Lama Operasi Lipoma

Berapa Lama Operasi Lipoma.Berapa Lama sih Operasi Lipoma berlangsung.banyak diantara kawan yang menanyakan berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk operasi Limopa. perlu diketahui LIPOMA - BENJOLAN LEMAK Umum dijumpai, termasuk tumor jinak yang berasal dari jaringan lemak. Benjolan lunak, berwarna kuning terang dan disekelilingi oleh kapsul yang tipis. Umumnya dapat digerakkan dari dasar dan tidak disertai nyeri. (nyeri timbul jika lipoma di tekan dan di pijat). Pertumbuhannya lambat dan tidak pernah mengalami perubahan menjadi ganas (meskipun type tumor ganas liposarkoma juga berasal dari jaringan lemak). Kebanyakan berukuran kecil meskipun dapat membesar dengan diameter lebih dari 6 cm. Ada beberapa macam lipoma yang dijumpai, seperti tipe Subkutaneus superfisial. ,Deep intramuscular, Spindle cell lipoma, Angiolipoma benign lipoblastoma, Lumbosacral lipoma, Berapa Lama Operasi Lipoma
Diffuse lipomatosis, Lipoma of tendon sheath, nerves, synovium, periosteum, lumbosacral area atau tempat lain yang letaknya lebih dalam / deeper seperti pada jantung, otak dan paru-paru. Lipoma timbul tidak selalu karena faktor keturunan, meskipun bisa tampak seperti multipel lipomatosis herediter. Beberapa dokter percaya bahwa timbulnya lipoma biasanya dipicu dengan trauma kecil pada daerah ybs (minor injury). Tidak ada korelasi antara pertumbuhan lipoma dengan kelebihan BB (over weight) 
Biasanya tidak memerlukan pengobatan, kecuali jika menimbulkan rasa nyeri, mengganggu pergerakan dan secara kosmetik memberikan rasa tidak nyaman. Jika kapsul tidak secara keseluruhan terangkat, Kadang-kadang setelah pembedahan lipoma dapat timbul kembali (angka kekambuhan kurang dari 5 %). Lipoma dapat diambil dengan cara pembedahan (eksisi), atau liposuction. Liposuction biasanya diperuntukkan untuk lipoma ukuran besar. Menghasilkan bekas sayatan luka operasi yang minimal / sangat kecil tapi tidak dapat mengangkat keseluruhan kapsul lipoma sehingga dapat menyebabkan kekambuhan (lipoma tumbuh kembali). SETELAH OPERASI 1. Rasa nyeri akan timbul untuk beberapa hari. Tergantung banyak hal misalnya lokasi lipoma, ukuran lipoma, keadaan umum pasien secara keseluruhan. 2. Luka tidak boleh kena air minimal 7 hari (bisa lebih lama tergantung proses operasi yang dilakukan – Dokter akan menjelaskan) 3. Pada lipoma yang cukup besar dan letaknya dalam diperlukan pemasangan drain / selang pada luka operasi untuk mengalirkan sisa-sisa bekuan darah post op. Drain/selang akan dicabut oleh dokter. 4. Pencegahan agar tidak terjadi infeksi luka operasi, jaga agar kondisi luka tetap kering. Minum obat yang diberikan Dokter teratur, kontrol luka untuk ganti verband ke poli Bedah. 5. Daerah yang di lakukan operasi tetap mobilisasi / melakukan aktifitas seperti biasa, jika terjadi pengecualian dari hal-hal diatas Dokter akan menjelaskan.

Thursday 2 August 2012

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Sunday 22 July 2012

Xbox used to study locust swarms

 Xbox used to study locust swarms
 now with xbox camera. scientist learn how the swarms works.Once upon a time, people thought that swarming creatures such as fish, bees and locusts communicated their movements by "thought transference," or telepathy.Watch this video
Thanks in part to the work of Princeton ecologist Iain Couzin, now we know better. Couzin's lab is using computer-vision technology and even the Xbox's motion-sensing camera, called Kinect, to try to get a grip on how these creatures maintain their individually but also function so gracefully as a collective.
"Computer vision has been very important to us. This is where you program a computer to see the world for us," he said in an interview last year at PopTech, a science, technology and big-ideas conference held in Camden, Maine.
Among the lab's most surprising discoveries: Locusts in the western Sahara Desert swarm because they're trying to not to be eaten by their cannibalistic buddies.
 Locusts pop up like popcorn at farm
"We just discovered by accident that the locusts were trying to eat each other," he said. "So when it looks like a cooperative swarm, in actual fact it's a selfish, sort of cannibalistic horde. Everyone is trying to eat everyone else and trying to avoid being eaten."
Using tools like Kinect, Couzin's team is able to collect a much more detailed data set about how various organisms behave, which in turn makes it easier to figure out what they're doing and why.

A laser beam 1,000 times more powerful than the U.S.

For all the heady talk of misleading "deific" recently confirmed the name of Scottish physicist of quantum dots, other types of historic events have occurred: the laser beam to destroy records that, in a single shot was fired on July 5, 2012, which produced more power than the United States does in a single instant.The world's largest laser generates 1,000 times more power in one blast than the United States does at any one instant.
Spooky or amazing? How do both. Think of it as "extreme sports science," a kind of automated laboratory-based one-upmanship game where researchers fiddle with very complex, laborious machine is calibrated to produce a result that has never happened before - then beat them.
Time.com: 9 instances impossible superhero technology
That's the National Ignition Facility - home to the largest laser in the world - only do when it pulls the trigger on amplified optical beam 192, the light emitting electromagnetic radiation, all fired within a few trillionths seconds of each other, to provide 500 trillion watts (or terawatts) of "peak power "and 1.85 megajoules of ultraviolet laser light.
Framed in a more eye-catching terms: NIF says 500 terawatts to power the entire U.S. outpaces that used "at any given instant in time," and that the 1.85 megajoules numbering about 100 times what every other laser produces a regular basis. No wonder both the power unit prefixes (tera, mega) derived from the Greek word meaning "monster" and "large."
Then again, what else would you expect from a laser is housed in a building the size of three football fields, or a laboratory science with words such as "ignition" in his moniker?
NIF, which is located in Livermore, California, came online in March 2009, and its purpose are manifold: the mis

Theater shooting unfolds in real time on social media

Theater shooting unfolds in real time on social media
Batman and his enemy on bioskop . haha.The posts show how quickly life can change.
"Everyones dressing up as Batman, im going dressed as Bruce Wayne... Albeit a short stubby unsexy Bruce Wayne #CouldntFindBatmanMaskInTime," wrote one Twitter user, identified online as Zach Eastman.
"Going to see the final batman tonight! So EXCITED!!!" wrote another Twitter user, @DjaylaRene.
And, in hindsight, most chillingly: "Of course we're seeing Dark Knight ... people should never argue with me."
Gunman kills 12 in Colorado theater shooting
 Photos: Colorado movie theater massacre
Those posts surfaced before the shootings early Friday morning at a late-night showing in Aurora, Colorado, of the Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises," in which 12 people were killed and dozens more were injured. All three people who were quoted above appear to have been in the theater complex when a heavily armed gunman opened fire on moviegoers, according to police.
The third post appears to be from Jessica Ghawi, who was reported dead in the shooting. Ghawi was a former sports-news intern at a television station in San Antonio, according to that station, Fox 29. "It's true, my former intern Jessica Ghawi was a victim in the shootings last night. She used @JessicaRedfield as her twitter handle," wrote a Twitter user identified as Mike Taylor.
In the hours after the shooting, her friend mourned her death in real time.

Make caramelized bananas without brown sugar

Make caramelized bananas without brown sugar
Someone ask me how to Make caramelized bananas without brown sugar. now we will give the explanation.I don't have brown sugar in my house right now and I'm really in the mood for caramelized bananas. Can u make them without brown sugar if so how? Thanks

this is how brown sugar is basically white sugar and molasses mixed together. You need to mix the white sugar and molasses together first, then use it to caramelize your bananas.

Making Caramelized Bananas

Now we are Making Caramelized Bananas.Tips for making new recipes daily.Bananas were not commonly seen in the United States until the beginning of the 20th century. In 1903, refrigerated boats were used for the first time to safely transport perishable food, including bananas, from tropical regions. The banana, which becomes more starchy and sweet as it ripens, is a very versatile fruit. It can be eaten many ways, including sliced and added to fruit salads, baked into breads and muffins, grilled, fried or simply peeled and eaten plain. Does this Spark an idea?
1.Cut two peeled bananas in half across the center, then cut each half lengthwise.

2.Pour the sugar into a shallow bowl. Roll the bananas in the bowl until they are coated with sugar.

3.Melt the butter in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Carefully put the banana slices in the skillet with the cut side down.

4.Saute the banana slices on one side for approximately 30 to 45 seconds or until the cooked sides are golden brown. The color is the result of caramelized sugar from the sugar coating, as well as the banana's natural sugar.

5.Turn the banana slices with a spatula and continue cooking for an additional 30 to 45 seconds, again watching for the bananas to cook to a golden brown color.

6.Remove the bananas from the skillet with the spatula. Place the slices on a serving platter to cool.

Today U.S. fighter jet crashes in Japan

Today U.S. fighter jet crashes in Japan
Today we have bad news from japan.Efforts are under way to retrieve a pilot after a U.S. fighter jet crashed into the waters off northern Japan on Sunday, military officials said.
The pilot was the sole person aboard, according to a statement posted on the Misawa Air Base website.
The F-16 crashed about 200 miles northeast of Hokkaido Island. It belongs to the U.S. base in Aomori prefecture
No more information was immediately available.

Wednesday 4 July 2012